BestMan - Supports Libido & Improves Performance, 30 vcaps , (Hamida Pharma)
BestMan - Supports Libido & Improves Performance, 30 vcaps , (Hamida Pharma)

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BestMan - Supports Libido & Improves Performance, 30 vcaps , (Hamida Pharma)
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BestMan -  Supports Libido & Improves Performance, 30 vcaps, (Hamida Pharma)

Supports Libido And Improves Performance.

Efficacy and safety of oral BestMan in men with sexual dysfunction (an open-labeled, flexible-dose study) 
  • Objective: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of BestMan in an open-labeled pilot study in men with sexual dysfunction of broad-spectrum etiology with more than 3 months duration.
  • Method: 30 men were enrolled in a 3-month prospective, open-labeled, flexible-dose study. Each man received 1 capsule of BestMan in the morning every day and, as needed, took 1-2 capsules at night approximately 30 minutes to 3 hours before engaging in sexual activity, without exceeding a total of 3 capsules daily. Efficacy was determined by the responses to question 1 (ability to achieve an erection), question 4 (ability to maintain an erection), question 12 (level of sexual desire) and question 13 (satisfaction with overall sex life) of the 15-item International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF). Other measures of efficacy and safety included the questions about the patient's medical history as well as questions about BestMan.
  • Result: at the end of the study, there was a statistically significant improvement in 4 descriptive evaluations of the 15 IIEF questionnairies. BestMan significantly increased the patient's ability to achieve and maintain erections (p<0.01), orgasmic function, ejaculating function, intercourse satisfaction (p<0.01) and overall sexual satisfaction (p<0.01).
  • Conclusions: this study suggests that BestMan is an effective, well-tolerated alternative treatment for men with sexual dysfunction who prefer a non-drug approach.

As a dietary supplement for ongoing maintenance, take 1 capsule daily. For event enhancement, take 1 capsule 30-60 minutes before sexual activity. Do not exceed 2 capsules daily. 
  • If you have a medical condition or are taking prescription medication, consult your doctor before using this product.
  • Store at room temperature 15-30 C (59-86 F), tightly closed and avoid excessive heat.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.
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Retail Price: $27.95
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BestMan -  Supports Libido & Improves Performance, 30 vcaps, (Hamida Pharma)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size 1 Vegicap
Amount per serving
Proprietary blend B.E.E.* 525 mg
Vitamin C 45 mg 50%
Vitamin E 10 IU 33%
Zinc 15 mg 100%
B.E.E. ~ BioEnhanced Extraction (Patent Pending)
† Daily Value not established.
Ingredients: Pomegranate Fruit B.E.E., Red Clover Flower B.E.E., Wild Yam Root B.E.E., Epimedium Herb B.E.E., Ginseng Root B.E.E., L-Arginine, Ascorbic Acid, D-alpha Tocopherol, Zinc Gluconate, Magnesium Stearate, Hydroxyproplmethylcellulose (vegetarian capsule). 
Wild yam B.E.E. contains natural steroids that rejuvenate and give vigor to lovemaking. 
Pomegranate B.E.E. acts as a stimulant for the testosterone hormone, which controls the male's sexual drive. In addition, Pomegranate B.E.E. is a good natural source of zinc for normal prostate functioning. 
Red clove B.E.E. and Willow bark decreases the platelets in the blood and increases blood flow to the genital area. 
Yohimbe bark B.E.E. helps to expand the blood vessels in the penis and increase blood flow. It also claims to increase Nitric Oxide (NO), which is important for producing and maintaining an erection. (Caution: Do not take high doses of Yohimbe if you have high blood pressure). 
Epimedium B.E.E. (Horny Goat Weed) is a Chinese herb often referred to as a "Yang tonic". This herb produces a warm, almost euphoric effect on the body. Epimedium is commonly used as an aphrodisiac and aids in relieving sexual dysfunction. The Epimedium herb stimulates the production of androgens (sex hormones) and has been used successfully in men suffering from impotence and a low sperm count. It has been shown to aid in increasing libido and erectile ability. 
Ginseng root B.E.E. helps improve libido and the ability to maintain an erection in men with erectile dysfunction. In addition, it may lead to an improvement in sperm count and sperm motility, thus proving useful for male infertility. 
L-Arginine helps increase NO. NO (Nitric oxide) is the newest and most effective means of increasing sexual performance in both normal males and in males whose libidos are compromised. Researchers believe that nitric oxide "can correct up to 90% of all penile dysfunction." Erections are the result of an increase in blood supply to the penis. NO allows for the vasodialation required for an erection to occur and, it has also been shown that impotence can be caused by a lack of nitric oxide. 
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) helps boost testosterone levels. 
Vitamin E increases circulation. 
Zinc - important in prostate gland function and reproductive organ growth. Zinc also helps boost testosterone levels.

BestMan -  Supports Libido & Improves Performance, 30 vcaps, (Hamida Pharma)

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BestMan -  Supports Libido & Improves Performance, 30 vcaps, (Hamida Pharma)

What is B.E.E.?
Why is the extraction method used during B.E.E. better than other      extraction processes used in the industry today?
Why are your products so fast-acting and effective?
Can your products be taken in combination with prescription drugs, other      supplements and herbs?
Why are your products more expensive than other herbal products on the      market?
What makes your products different form other herbal formulas on the      market today?
Are your products homeopathic?
Are your products organic?
Have your products been clinically tested?
Are your products solvent free? Pesticide free? Free of heavy metals?      Non-irradiated?
Are your products room temperature or low-heat produced?
On some of your products, the ingredients that you have chosen to use      have no scientific data supporting their useful function in targeting the      disorders to which your products are intended. How do you justify the use      of such ingredients?

What is B.E.E.?
B.E.E. (Bio-Enhanced Extraction) is a proprietary, patent-pending manufacturing method that is comprised of a three step of isolation, purification and enhancement from bioactive parts of plants that have been determined to be most beneficial for people. B.E.E. is not just an extraction method nor is it just a chemical process. B.E.E. is a combination of molecular biology and technology that covers the complete manufacturing process from species selection to the completion of the finished product. | Top |

Why is the extraction method used during B.E.E. better than other extraction processes used in the industry today?
B.E.E. preserves the active ingredient in the herbs through our proprietary micronizing technique while most traditional methods expose the herb to high temperatures and pressures, which can destroy or severly damage the active ingredients. The B.E.E. process does not expose the raw material to very high pressures or temperatures. During extraction, we use mainly regurlar water extraction with occassional help of sodium or the use of a centrifuge at a pre-determined speed. No alcohol is ever used during the entire process. Also, the extraction efficiency in other methods is relatively low and the botancial bioactivity can be destroyed during the process.

Further, the concentration vessel and heat exchanger produce sub-optimal yields of herbal concentrate. A certain amount of concentrate is lost due to foaming, a certain amount of concentrate is burned at the bottom and side the concentration vessel and other concentrate becomes trapped in the heat exchanger. In the most traditional extraction methods, the concentrate liquid contains complex compounds that are both active and inactive. Such compounds are then put into medicine. The efficacy may not compare with the botancial active monomer further isolated from the concentrate. The chemical solvents used in many other methods today may not recycle completeley and residual chemicals may be harmful to the body. In the traditional process, dealing with heavy metals has not been paid sufficient attention. Serious problems may arise, such as neural harm, kidney harm and even cancer if the they are taken for a long period of time or large amount at one time. | Top |

Why are your products so fast-acting and effective?
Our products works so quickly and effective because of B.E.E.. Currently, most herbal product manufacturers usually break the raw material into small pieces or powder prior to extraction. However, the most active ingredients in the botancials are within the cell wall and the common extraction methods do not break the cell wall. With B.E.E. we are able to break the cell wall by using our proprietary extra-micronizing smashing machine, so that the active ingredients disassociate out. The active ingredients are then used in our final product. It is already a well known fact that the micronized degree of the powder closely associates with the absorbency and bioavailability of the medicine.

The common smashing process which most manufacturers utilize, hardly breaks the cell wall, so the active components inside do not come out completely. The effect of the extractions is thereby not very satisfactory. We use the extra-micronizing smashing machine that can turn the raw materials into powder as small as 5 mm or less. Under this size, the botancials' cell wall has been mostly broken and the compounds inside disassociate out, so the efficiency of extraction during the future steps may be increased.

Most of the unextracted ingredients that we put in our finished product have been extra-micronized so as to ensure more active compounds and better clinical effects. The active ingredient is left with only the active constituent, which resutls in better absorption and assimilation. Our product works on the cellular level, binds to the cells more efficiently and is thereby more potent and targeted. | Top |

Can your products be taken in combination with prescription drugs, other supplements and herbs?
Yes. So far, all of our products have been determined to be safe enough to be used in combination with prescription drugs, other supplements and herbs. There hasn't been a single reported incident to date of any harmful interactions using our formulas in combination with other products. We have conducted full toxicity studies on all of our products and the results show that our products are non-toxic and extremely safe.

However, if prescripiton drugs are currently being taken, one may wish to work closely with his or her doctor when deciding how and when to start using our products in combination with the prescripition medication. Sometimes it may be hard to tell which product is working if the prescription medication is still being taken at the standard dosage while adding our product.

We do not recommend reducing or stopping the use of prescription medication without the doctor's consent. In a majority of the cases, reducing the amount of the prescription medication while beginning to take one of products generates positive results. A person could then consult with his or her physician to determine whether or not to stop the use of the prescription drug to see if our product can generate positive results on it's own. We do recommend that the patient closely monitors his or her condition on a daily basis while using our products whether or not they are used on their own or in combination with other products. | Top |

Why are your products more expensive than other herbal products on the market?
Our products may seem expensive when compared to the most traditional herbal formulas sold on the market today, but keep in mind that no other product in the world is manufactured using the exclusive B.E.E. procedure. B.E.E. is a very extensive, time-consuming process that results in such an incredible product. Through this process, we can get purified products that contain abundant active compounds and little impurity. The extracting rate of this method is only about 2-5%, but common water extraction is about 30% , and alcohol is about 15%. This is because we have efficiently removed the impurity and liquid component. Through these processes we can remove the component that easily absorbs moisture and enhances the stability of the finished products. Another important point is that the process can remove heavy metals very effectively and completely.

Besides the above method, according to the molecular recognition principle, our researchers have developed a new method that allows us to extract and isolate active compounds from complex botancials. We mainly use HPLC(combining with MS (mass spectrum) to complete isolation, purification, selection and identification of botancials active compounds. Our company also only uses the finest quality raw materials. Because of the fact that our extracting rate is only 2-5%, we have to use more raw materials than most manufacturers in order to produce a very potent and targeted end product. Also, most herbal formulas have been taken over a long period of time before postivie results are obtained. Because of B.E.E., the positive benefits from using our products are usually felt or seen within the very first dosage. An individual using our products might have to invest a little money in the beginning, but he or she usually ends up saving money in the long run because our products work so quickly in helping the body heal itself.

In most cases, our products need only be taken for a short period of time. Many individuals who have used our products have reported that they felt completely better and no longer needed to take our products or they only needed to take the products occassionally for maintenance purpose. People usually save money by using our products because they don't have to pay as much for prescription medication or spend as much money taking a bunch of supplements or herbal products. | Top |

What makes your products different form other herbal formulas on the market today?
Again, our proprietary B.E.E. procedure results in an end product that is unlike any other herbal formulation or supplement found in the world today. During the B.E.E. process, our staff scientists employ the innovative manufacturing methods that have never been used in the herbal industry previously. No other company in the world preforms the level of extraction or purification that we employ on a regular basis. Also, our proprietary extra-micronizing smashing machine, which resutls in the effectiveness and fast-action of our products, is only used by our company at our manufacturing facility. | Top |

Are your products homeopathic?
No. Our products are not allopathic or homeopathic. They are considered herbal supplements or neutraceutical products. Our products do work in similar ways to a homeopathic remedy in that they target the disorder by working in combination with the body's own natural healing process. However, our products work because of B.E.E., not because of a homeopathic process. | Top |

Are your products organic?
Yes. Our products are 100% organic as are the extracts from the plants that we use. We only use the finest quality herbs in our products and the only capsules that we use are veggie-caps. | Top |

Have your products been clinically tested?
Yes. Some of our products have been clinically tested at well-known clinical trial sites. We conducted efficacy study of Hypertenol at the Institute of Cardiology of Montreal, Canada, and efficacy study of Arthritol at the University of Jilin in China. We are currenlty undergoing Phase 2 testing of Cardiopril on humans at UC Irvine in California. We are also about to begin a small, clinical trials on each of our products using humans. The studies should be completed in the first quarter of 2003. | Top |

Are your products solvent free? Pesticide free? Free of heavy metals? Non-irradiated?
Yes. All of our products are solvent free, pesticide free, free of heavy metals and non-irradiated. In fact, during the purification phase of B.E.E., we are able to reduce the levels of heavy metals to under 1.0 ppm. The levels of heavy metals in our products never exceeded 3.0 ppm. We are also able to remove the sometimes harmful, natural plant toxins that are contained in the various plants used during manufacturing. Again, the purification porition of the B.E.E. procedure is unlike any other method used in the herbal industry today. Our toxicity studies showed no harmful side effects when taking our products at levels greater than 2000 times the standard dosage. | Top |

Are your products room temperature or low-heat produced?
All of our products are processed at room temperature. We do not expose our products to high temperatures because we feel that the active constituents could be genetically altered or even completely destroyed when exposed to certain high temperature levels. | Top |

On some of your products, the ingredients that you have chosen to use have no scientific data supporting their useful function in targeting the disorders to which your products are intended. How do you justify the use of such ingredients?
Each of our products is developed and manufactured based on the laws of science. Every formulation that we use has been demonstrated using specific theories and tests. Some of the ingredients that we use in our products may not seem to associate directly with a certain disease on the surface, but that does not necessarily mean that the ingredient cannot be used for the specific disease. The main principle that we adhere to during our formulation process is based upon the "whole body" theory. We formulate our products to treat the body in it's entirety as opposed to focusing on individual body parts or symptons. Our formulations combine the newest forms of scientific discovery, the highest levels of advanced technology and the foremost principles of folk medicine. This combination of theories is what makes our products so unique.

For example, we use chamomile (B.E.E.) extract in our product for high blood pressure, Hypertenol. There is hardly any direct evidence indicating chamomile as useful for the treatment of high blood pressure. Why did we then select this particular plant? In Asian and European folk medicine, there were many precedents for using chamomile when suffering from high blood pressure. We then conducted our own research and we scientifically determined that hypertenision is related to impared vascular endothelial nitric oxide and that nitric oxide and increased super oxide anion production may be controlled by certain antioxidants. We then extracted active parts from chamomile that acts as a very powerful anitoxidant. We also scientifically determined that chamomile's antioxidant properites were only part of the reason why this plant is successful in normalizing high blood pressure.

Through testing, we were able to determine the other parts of the chamomile plant that helped to decrease high blood pressure, so we extracted those properties as well. We also selected certain vitamins and minerals to support chamomile's effect. Recently, through the demonstration of pharmalogical test, Hypertenol has had an excellent effect on hypertension. | Top |

BestMan - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.

BestMan -  Supports Libido & Improves Performance, 30 vcaps, (Hamida Pharma)

BestMan -  Supports Libido & Improves Performance, 30 vcaps, (Hamida Pharma)