Mus L Blast 2000+ Chocolate Powder - 52 oz , (Mlo)
Mus L Blast 2000+ Chocolate Powder - 52 oz , (Mlo)

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Mus L Blast 2000+ Chocolate Powder - 52 oz , (Mlo)
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Mus L Blast 2000+ Chocolate Powder -  52 oz, (Mlo)

Mus L Blast 2000+ Chocolate is formulated with essential vitamins and minerals necessary for proper and efficient muscle growth and is suggested for those individuals whose intention is to build size fast. 
Mus L Blast is formulated to help athletes build size fast. Mus L Blast combines glutamine peptides enriched ion exchange whey protein and other peptides for superior PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score) of 100+, higher than any pure whey protein.  
Mus L Blast contains large amounts of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) which are necessary for optimal muscle growth and account for 40% of the amino acids utilized during exercise.
Combine 4 scoops of Mus L Blast with 16oz. of lowfat milk. Have at least one Mus L Blast each day.  
Directions for Mega Gains: For very quick gains, drink one Mega-Serving of Mus L Blast daily (2 cups of Mus L Blast with 32 oz. Of lowfat milk).  
Do not reduce your regular food intake. Mus L Blast tastes great with either milk or water. It may be mixed with a spoon or a blender. This package is sold by weight not volume. Some settling of contents may have occurred during shipping.
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Package Shipping Weight: 3.3
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Case Quantity: 0
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $24.68
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Mus L Blast 2000+ Chocolate Powder -  52 oz, (Mlo)

Mus L Blast Peptide Blend consisting of (ion exchange whey protein, calcium caseinate, glutamine rich peptides), fructose, maltodextrin, cocoa, lecithin, fractionated coconut oil of [ascorbic acid, ferrous fumarate, vitamin E acetate, niacinamide, zinc oxide, copper gluconate, calcium pantothenate, vitamin A palmitate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, thiamine hydrochloride, vitamin D3, folic acid, biotin, potassium iodide, and cyanocobalamin.

Mus L Blast 2000+ Chocolate Powder -  52 oz, (Mlo)

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Mus L Blast 2000+ Chocolate Powder -  52 oz, (Mlo)


What are soybeans?  
Soybeans come from the soybean plant and are a member of the legume family, which includes other beans and peanuts. Soybeans have provided a major source of protein and other nutritional benefits to large parts of the world's population for thousands of years.  
Soybeans and the various soy foods based on this bean play a major role in many Asian cuisines. Recent interest in identifying the reasons Asian peoples have lower risks of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis has focused on the differences in Eastern and Western diets. One obvious difference is that Asian diets are based primarily on plant foods, such as the soybean, and contain small amounts of animal foods. 
How is soy protein derived from soybeans? 
Soybeans are processed by first removing their hulls. They are then flaked and defatted to make "white flakes," which can be either milled, alcohol-extracted, or processed with water. Milling creates defatted flour or grits. Alcohol extraction removes flavor compounds and sugars (that can cause intestinal gas) to make protein concentrates, which are 70 percent protein. Water processing removes sugars and flavor compounds and is then followed by precipitation and drying to make protein isolates, which are at least 90 percent protein. 
The type of processing is important. Alcohol extraction, which is used to make most soy protein concentrates, removes alcohol-soluble substances, such as isoflavones and saponins that occur naturally in soy. However, the water extraction method used to process most soy protein isolates, leaves isoflavones and other alcohol-soluble substances intact. 
How does soy protein compare to animal proteins? 
Soy offers the highest quality protein and it contains all the essential amino acids in optimal amounts. Its amino acid profile is as good as any animal protein source and it's even richer than animal proteins in amino acids that have been shown to promote muscle building. This was determined in 1993 when the Food & Drug Administration adopted a new standard for assessing a protein's value called the "Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS)."  
A perfect score is 1.0 and this was given to soy, whey, casein, and egg whites, while beef was given .92 (Anything above 90% is a good source of protein). Previously, it was thought that soy was an inferior protein because it was low in the sulfur-containing amino acids methionine and cysteine. But previous studies were done on rats and it was discovered that rats have a much greater need for these amino acids than humans in part because of the rats' rapid growth rate and their need to produce extensive body hair. 
Do any of the Genisoy products contain gluten? 
Many of our products have been formulated to be gluten free. Please contact customer service at 1-888-Genisoy for a complete list of gluten free products. 
Are Genisoy products vegan? 
Many Genisoy products are suitable for vegan's. Please contact customer service at 1-888-Genisoy for more information regarding our vegan-friendly products. 
What are isoflavones? 
Isoflavones, a type of phytochemical or plant chemical, are found almost exclusively in soy. They are considered by most to be responsible for the observed health benefits (lowering cholesterol, reducing menopause discomforts, and preventing osteoporosis). Some isoflavones are phytoestrogens, meaning that their chemical structure is similar to estrogen. They are a weak form of estrogen-apparently acting like the hormone in some circumstances and blocking its action in others.  
This has led some to extract the isoflavones and use them in supplement form. But many believe that the health benefits are maximized when the isoflavones are consumed as part of soy protein. Other possible beneficial phytochemicals in soy include saponins, phytic acid, and protease inhibitors. 
What isoflavones are found in soy? What is the ratio of one isoflavone to another? 
The isoflavone "families" in soy-genistein, daidzein, and glycitein--are found almost exclusively in soy. The isoflavone content of soybeans varies, depending on the soybean variety and other factors like growing conditions. The ratio of the three primary isoflavone families naturally occurring in soy varies between different soy foods and soy ingredients. Genisoy products are made with the highest-quality soy protein isolates and contain approximately 55% Genistein, 35% Daidzein, and 10% Glycitein. 
Why are isoflavones found in a ratio different than previously mentioned? 
If you see a product made with soy protein isolates that contains isoflavones in a ratio quite different from those listed in GeniSoy Products, in all likelihood, the naturally occurring isoflavones have been removed and isoflavones have been re-added from another source. For example, a product with a label that shows a lot more daidzin/daidzein than genistin/genistein may contain isoflavones extracted from the hypocotyl, the main stem of the soybean, instead of from the cotyledons, the main part of the soybean, which is used to make soy protein isolates. Safety and efficacy data are not available on extracted soy isoflavones. 
Why doesn't Genisoy have an isoflavone pill? 
There are several good reasons Genisoy has chosen to market nutritious soy protein-based foods instead of manufacturing an isoflavone pill. The research on soy protein and isoflavones is relatively new and there is always a possibility that soy's health benefits may be due to:
  • The unique amino acid profile.
  • Some other substance found in soy protein.
  • The combined effect of isoflavones and some other substance in soy protein.
  • A combined effect of the isoflavones, in the ratio naturally found in soy.
The research that has produced such exciting results was done with foods containing soy protein, not with isoflavone pills. Clinical research has shown that bioactive components, such as isoflavones, do not work by themselves to reduce cholesterol. While it may be a lot easier to take a pill, studies have shown that you need the soy protein together with its bioactive components to get the cholesterol lowering effect. 
Why does Genisoy add vitamin E and selenium to its products? 
Vitamin E and the trace mineral selenium work as partners to protect the body's cells and tissues from being broken down by oxygen. This process-called oxidation-plays an essential role in the development of heart disease, cancer, and various other diseases. For example, research has shown that low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad cholesterol") increases the risk of heart disease after it has been oxidized.  
There is also considerable research investigating possible benefits of vitamin E and selenium in preventing the oxidative damage that can lead to the formation of cancerous cells. Vegetable oils, such as soy oil, are the richest dietary source of vitamin E. However, the trend toward lower-fat diets has led some individuals to reduce their dietary intake of vitamin E just as we are learning more about its extensive health benefits. For this reason, Genisoy has chosen to add vitamin E and selenium to many of its food products. 
Will Genisoy products increase estrogen levels and decrease testosterone levels in men? 
Although this specific question hasn't been studied in humans, it has been examined in labratory studies. Look at the following facts:
  • Asian men have eaten soy for centuries-no known libido or fertility problems.
  • Vegetarians typically consume a lot of soy-no known libido or fertility problems.
  • Many athletes routinely consume soy protein supplements-no known libido or fertility problems.
  • Soy is used extensively in infant formulas-no known problems.
None of these groups have reported any negative effects associated with consuming soy foods or their naturally occurring isoflavones, and there is no evidence that consumption of soy foods and their naturally occurring isoflavones has any negative hormonal effects on men. 
Some soy products show large amounts of daidzin and genistin on their labels. What are these compounds? Why are they in a ratio different than mentioned above? What does this label information really mean? 
There are several parts to this question. Each isoflavone exists as a family of compounds, slightly different in structure. Genistin, for example, is actually genistein with an attached molecule of sugar; this form is called a glucoside. The same relationship exists for the other isoflavones. Just looking at the weights of the molecules, if you could remove the sugar molecule from 100 milligrams of genistin, you'd get 62.5 milligrams of genistein. However, it isn't that simple except on paper. 
Keep in mind that much of the research has been done on genistein, daidzein, and glycitein, called the aglycone ("without glucose") forms of these isoflavones. There is no data on whether the glucoside form is biologically active. The amount of genistin that is actually converted into genistein in the body depends on several factors, including your individual ability to convert it, the amount of the glucoside form you consume, and how available it is for conversion. Therefore, label information about the amount of the glucoside form of an isoflavone isn't really useful. 
How much soy protein should I consume each day? 
A number of health authorities recommend replacing most of the animal protein in the American diet with vegetable protein, and soy protein is one of the only vegetable proteins of equal quality. For heart health, the Food & Drug Administration recommends 25 grams of soy protein per day as part of a diet that is low in total and saturated fat. The USDA Daily Reference Value for total protein intake is 50 grams based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Mus L Blast 2000+ Chocolate Powder is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.

Mus L Blast 2000+ Chocolate Powder -  52 oz, (Mlo)

Mus L Blast 2000+ Chocolate Powder -  52 oz, (Mlo)